Shaun Landry erzählt die folgende Geschichte über einen Komiker, der in jedem Workshop der Stadt anzutreffen war:
The worse case I have ever seen in my life is a cat who seems to be the king of classes. I don’t think anyone (and granted myself included) has said to him “You will never be a good improviser or stand up comedian”. I see him every once in a while here attempting stand up. God. It’s brutal. No one will tell him the truth. *no one*He ended up opening for a famous comedian. Not because he was any good. Because this very famous comedian is a notorious asshole drunk to deal with. And the bookers decided to screw him by finding the worst standup in town.And it was the guy I’m talking about. It is like picking on the ugly kid with the pretty girl…or some scene from Carrie. Just waiting for the bucket of blood to fall from the Improvisation in San Jose.He was so happy. This is where you sit there and go “is this the moment I burst this happy man’s bubble? NO I CAN’T DO IT. I CAN’T TELL HIM HE GOT THE GIG BECAUSE HE IS HORRIBLE. NO. I’M NOT GOING TO BE THE ASSHOLE HERE”That is what it comes to.Noone wishes to be “The Asshole” When in actual fact you might be the nicest one in the room for finally telling this guy the truth.I have heard me mumble “I don’t know what will help” Maybe I should take an inflection class to try to make that sound more upbeat. So I don’t get pounced with the ultimate question “Well, what do you mean?” For a bunch of people who scream Truth in Comedy, we sure suck at Truth in Real Life.
Die traurige Geschichte vom schlechten Komiker